Do you accept donations?

It’s incredible people even ask / consider this, but no, thank you so much. No donations are accepted whatsoever. Although there’s a single developer behind all the platforms 2Do’s been developed for, the app has always been supported over the years as though there is a team of ten on each. In order to do that, I’ve strived hard to create a premium app and demand for it a premium price. There’s no room for donations. Going free on iOS and Android (as discussed here) is not always an indication of difficult financial times, instead it simply reflects the ever changing dynamics of the App Store, as well as the exponential increase in competition, and perhaps how important it is to stay on top of new trends (including payment models) in order to stay keep things sailing smoothly. 

You could, however, certainly help by recommending 2Do to your friends and family. Thank you.  

Article ID: 736
Created On: Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 8:46 AM
Last Updated On: Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 4:22 PM

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