2Do v1.5 (Mac) supports the following URL scheme. For v2.0 and above, please see the next section.
twodo:///add?task=[prompt:Task Title]&forlist=[prompt:List Name]
2Do v3 on iOS and v2 on Mac support the following URL scheme and the x-callback-url protocol:
twodo://x-callback-url/showList?name=[prompt:List Name]
Supplied parameter value must be URL-encoded
twodo://x-callback-url/addNewTask?ignoreDefaults=[prompt-num:Ignore Due Date Defaults]
ignoreDefaults: 0 (apply any default due date / time settings in app), 1 (ignore default dates / times)
twodo://x-callback-url/search?text=[some URL search text here]
Supplied parameter value must be URL-encoded.
When the supplied text is (clipboard), 2Do will copy the text from the clipboard.
Here are some examples:
twodo://x-callback-url/getTaskID?task=[known task's title]&forList=[containing list name]&saveInClipboard=[prompt-num:Save UID in clipboard]
Supplied parameter value must be URL-encoded. Returns the internally used unique identifier for the task. x-success is filled with a key named uid.
twodo://x-callback-url/paste?text=[some URL encoded text to convert into tasks]&inProject=[Title of project to paste into]&forList=[List that contains the project]
Supplied parameter value must be URL-encoded. Use this URL scheme to turn text into tasks. Other than text, the rest of the following parameters are optional:
text: The text to paste
inProject: Title of the Parent project task to add tasks to
forList: The list to add to. If inProject is used, this field must also be set.
twodo://x-callback-url/add?task=[prompt:Text]&type=[prompt-num:Task Type]&forlist=[prompt:List Name]&forParentName=[prompt:Parent Task Name]&forParentTask=[prompt:Parent Task's Unique Identifier]¬e=[prompt:Notes]&subtasks=[prompt:Multiple sub-tasks]&priority=[prompt-num:Priority]&starred=[prompt-num:Is Starred]&tags=[prompt:Tags]&locations=[prompt:Locations]&due=[prompt:Due Date]&dueTime=[prompt:Due Time]&start=[prompt:Start Date]&repeat=[prompt-num:Repeat]&action=[prompt:Task Action]&picture=[prompt:Picture]&ignoreDefaults=[prompt-num:Ignore Due Date Defaults]&saveInClipboard=[prompt-num:Save UID in clipboard]&useQuickEntry=[prompt-num:OS X Only, will present Quick Entry Window]&edit=[prompt-num:Edit in 2Do]
All parameters are optional. Supplied parameters must be URL-encoded. This callback will also return the internally used, unique identifier of the newly created task (for the key named add), which can be used in pace of the forParentTask parameter for future callbacks.
task: Title of the task. New in v3.13: When the supplied text is (clipboard), 2Do will copy the text from the clipboard.
type: Type of task to create. Following options are supported:
0 - Task (default)
1 - Project
2 - Checklist
forList: Name of an existing list in app, case-insensitive. Default list or the currently visible list on screen is selected if not used.
forParentName: The name of the project or checklist you wish to add this task to. When using this parameter, you must also provide the name of the List this project belongs to, by using the forList parameter. Please remember to URL-encode all strings.
forParentTask: The internally used, unique identifier of a task. If supplied, this task will be added as a sub-task to the parent task. If the parent task was previously created as a normal task (vs. a project or a checklist), the parent task will automatically be converted into a project for you.
note: Notes for the task. New in v3.13: When the supplied text is (clipboard), 2Do will copy the text from the clipboard.
subtasks: (iOS 3.13+) Multiple lines separated by a carriage return will create a sub-task for each line. When the supplied text is (clipboard), 2Do will copy the text from the clipboard. Note that presence of this property will turn the parent task into a Checklist.
priority: 0 (none), 1 (low), 2 (medium), 3 (high)
starred: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
tags: Comma separated list of tags to assign to the task. New in v3.13: When the supplied text is (clipboard), 2Do will copy the text from the clipboard.
locations: Comma separated list of locations to assign to the task. New in v3.13: When the supplied text is (clipboard), 2Do will copy the text from the clipboard.
due: Due Date. Supports the format below:
yyyy-MM-dd - Sets on the date on default due time (based on your settings, unless due time is specified separately or ignoreDefaults is set to 1)
Any number - Number of days from Today, starting from 0. e.g. 0 = Today, 1 = Tomorrow and so on
In X days / weeks / months - Number of days from Today, e.g. In 3 days
Next Sunday / Monday etc - (new in iOS 3.13+)
dueTime: Due Time. Supports format HH:mm or hh:mm am/pm
start: Start Date and time. Supports the format below:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm - Sets on the start date on the date and time specified
Any number - Number of days from Today, starting from 0. e.g. 0 = Today, 1 = Tomorrow and so on
In X days / weeks / months - Number of days from Today, e.g. In 3 days (new in iOS 3.13+)
Next Sunday / Monday etc - (new in iOS 3.13+)
repeat: 1 (daily), 2 (weekly), 3 (bi-weekly), 4 (monthly)
Article ID: 601
Created On: Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 2:51 AM
Last Updated On: Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 5:21 AM
Online URL: https://www.2doapp.com/kb/article/url-schemes.html