Which sync method should I use?

TLDR; Dropbox is the recommended sync method.

2Do supports synchronization between multiple Macs, iOS and Android devices running a copy of the app. With sync set up, your lists and tasks will appear on all devices without any extra effort on your part. 

2Do supports a number of popular cloud sync solutions: Reminders (iOS 12 and below), Dropbox, Toodledo and CalDAV (most 3rd party servers are supported). There are, however, a set of caveats with each of these sync methods. The main problem stems from the fact that 2Do supports far more properties / meta-data for a task than any of these cloud solutions. Things like Tags, Smart Lists, various Recurring options, Alerts, Embedded sounds and pictures are the kind of extra information you can assign to your tasks in 2Do, but not all of this data is supported by Toodledo or CalDAV for example. You can find out more about each sync method and its associated caveats in the following sections:


Sync using Dropbox (Highly recommended - for rock solid, problem free syncing)





Sync using Reminders / iCloud (over CalDAV)

Warning: Reminders no longer syncs over CalDAV starting with iOS 13 / Catalina. Read more here.





Sync using Toodledo




Article ID: 599
Created On: Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:34 AM
Last Updated On: Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 3:40 AM

Online URL: https://www.2doapp.com/kb/article/which-sync-method-should-i-use.html