NOTE: This script is being provided as-is, donated by its author James Gibbard, without any warranty. For support related to this script and further queries, you may contact James directly.
This AppleScript allows you to easily create tasks in 2Do from your messages in Mail.app. You can choose from a list of custom tags that you can optionally set. Message subject becomes task’s title and link to the message in Mail will be included in a note.
The best way to install Applescripts into Mail is to use them as an OS X Service and assign them to a shortcut key. You can also find it in [App name] > Services menu.
- Download the OS X Service DMG installer (link below).
- Open the DMG file, open the script and install the service on your computer.
- Open ‘System Preferences’, go to Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services
- Select the ‘MailTo2Do’ service; Assign a shortcut key to the service.
- Open Mail.
- Select a message in the list.
- Press your chosen shortcut key.
- Your selected message appears in 2Do as a task.